Multifaith Alliance Launches Emergency Winter Relief Campaign to Protect Syrian Children
The Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees, in partnership with the Rahma Relief Foundation, has launched the Warm the Children Campaign to help Syrian children survive winter’s freezing temperatures.
The Syrian conflict has created the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II. There are 2.2 million Syrian children who are now refugees and another 5.6 million children in need within Syria. Many are without adequate clothing or protection from the bitter cold, and are at risk of hypothermia and pneumonia.
Your $30 donation to the Warm the Children Campaign will provide a child with a winter kit consisting of a blanket, jacket, hat, and gloves.
Please go to our website ( or Facebook page ( and donate today.
The Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees (MFA), a project of the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding, is a coalition of more than 50 faith-based and secular organizations. We mobilize global support to alleviate the Syrian humanitarian crisis.
The Rahma Relief Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides disaster relief to Syrian refugees and displaced persons.