1. Public Message:
Keep support for Syrian war victims as a public priority.
Refute anti-refugee misinformation, xenophobia, and Islamophobia with factual information.
Reject calls for a religious test to resettle refugees.
Condemn federal and state legislative efforts that would prevent resettlement and block funding resources.
Encourage factual, positive messaging about refugees and their potential to contribute economically to their communities.
Refute with solid data the underlying premises of federal or state policy approaches that subvert resettlement of Syrian refugees:
The premise that accepting refugees will have a negative economic impact.
The premise that Syrian Muslims are dangerous.
The premise that exclusionary policies enhance national security.
2. Resettlement Obstacles:
Expedite increased numbers of refugee arrivals:
Resist efforts to reset the refugee ceiling lower than 110,000 in FY 17, an abrogation of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Sec. 207.
Urge at least 75,000 refugee admissions in FY 18, including at least 20,000 Syrians
Fund increases for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to speed security screening without compromising national security.
Establish a uniform protocol and standard criteria across agencies.
Train and certify NGOs to originate referrals, including in bulk.
Prioritize most vulnerable – women and children – and medical workers who can assist underserved populations in the United States.
3. Refugee Integration:
Move beyond early self-sufficiency model to successful integration model.
Appropriate necessary funding to expedite refugee integration:
To support 5 pillars of successful integration: housing, work, language, education and trauma treatment.
To increase funds for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and to create a separate account specifically for Syrian refugees.
To authorize federal funding for 8 months of integration and resettlement benefits to Syrian refugees.
Revitalize private sponsorship as a supplement to US Refugee Assistance Program and in coordination with accredited resettlement agencies.