MFASRJ IN NYTIMES: Helping Syrian Refugees
“Scattered by War, Syrians Struggle to Start Over” (front page, Oct. 17) vividly shows how the Syrian refugee crisis affects individuals and Jordan.
Of course, Jordan isn’t the only country struggling with large waves of displaced Syrians. But the effect there has been disproportionate and devastating.
This isn’t just Jordan’s problem; it’s an international problem. If Jordan doesn’t receive more international help, there will be grave consequences for that country, its neighbors and the world.
That’s why we mobilized a landmark multifaith coalition to aid Syrian refugees in Jordan. The coalition consists of 29 organizations that have pledged to raise money and awareness to alleviate the worst refugee crisis of our time, among them the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Catholic Relief Services, the Islamic Center of New York, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Church World Services and Episcopal Relief and Development.
Sympathy isn’t enough; immediate action and a serious push from the international community can help alleviate the suffering of more than a million refugees.
President, Tanenbaum Center
for Interreligious Understanding
New York, Oct. 17, 2013
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