Popular Show Features A Key Syrian Partner Of The Alliance
Click "here" for the powerful interview that aired on WABC Radio in New York. #mfa
Refugee Need and Resilience in Zaatari
"Zaatari is a refugee camp, opened in July 2012 and originally meant to shelter perhaps 6,000 people but now “home” to more than 100,000...
Multifaith Alliance Statement On The Pope's Visit To Jordan
New York, NY, May 26, 2014 … The Multi-Faith Alliance for Syrian Refugees in Jordan hailed Pope Francis for highlighting the dire plight...
Pope Francis Gets A Firsthand Look At The Plight Of Syrian Refugees
The Associated Press Pope Francis called for an "urgent" end to the Syrian civil war and the refugee crisis it has spawned as he opened a...
Multi-Faith Alliance Newsletter
Dear Friends, Sadly, we report that Jordan has opened another massive camp because of the continuing flood of Syrian refugees. The new...