Press Release: Acclaimed Actor F. Murray Abraham Appeals to Congress on Syrian Refugee Crisis
Contact: Betsy Dribben Marlene Adler ...
Are You More Sympathetic Because She's British, And Not Syrian?
A young British girl unwraps a package from her mum — a stuffed animal. The child's face breaks into a smile. But after this moment, her...
Global Weekend of Prayer for Syria
The Multifaith Alliance will be joining the upcoming Weekend of Prayer for Syria. #mfa
Sesame Street’s Elmo Visits Syrian Children at Mercy Corps’ Dream Land in Za’atari Refugee Camp
Za’atari Refugee Camp, Jordan – The muppet Elmo and characters from Hikayat Simsim, the locally produced Jordanian version of the...
Pittsburgh Jews Welcome Syrians As Trump Warns Of Danger
“All of the rhetoric about not allowing in Syrian refugees is what absolutely galvanized us [to act],” said Marian Allen, social action...