Press Release: Acclaimed Actor F. Murray Abraham Appeals to Congress on Syrian Refugee Crisis
Contact: Betsy Dribben Marlene Adler ...
Global Weekend of Prayer for Syria
The Multifaith Alliance will be joining the upcoming Weekend of Prayer for Syria. #mfa
MFA Applauds Pope and Patriarch For Crucial “Hands-On” Support of Syrian Refugees
PRESS RELEASE April 19, 2016 Multifaith Alliance Applauds Pope and Patriarch For Crucial “Hands-On” Support of Syrian Refugees NEW YORK,...
The SAJ Social Justice Action Committee
Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees, Migrants and Asylum Seekers - Learning from Our Jewish Values Shadi Martini, MFA Senior Syria Advisor...
MFA panel featuring HIAS and JDC
Four leading voices on this critically important and timely subject – Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of HIAS, Dr. Georgette F. Bennett,...